America appears to be at a crossroads between two competing ideas. Claus Schwab has expressed a vision of the future called the Great Reset where the average person does not own private property. Galusha Grow believed that this type of event where only a few own all of the property would result in a repeat of the fall of the roman empire. Galusha Grow was speaker of the house in the 1860’s and believed that widespread property rights could shield the country from experiencing an event similar to the fall of the Roman Empire and other fallen empires.
Claus Shwab and the world Economic Forum presented a video about the Great Reset that says “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. In the video, the presentation expands on the idea by saying “Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes. It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city”.
This vision is nothing new but simply a rehash of the old Roman empire when elites gobbled up the private property of the middle class and turned the people to governent for handouts. It was Tiberious Grachus that was opposed to this idea and wanted to restore private property to the masses.
In America, large plantation owners hoped to control all of the wealth of America and create large plantations that they could work with slaves. Galusha Grow apposed this idea and created the Homestead act which would take the land and give it to small farmers for nearly nothing so that there would be a large mass of small farmers that could sustain themselves and thus avert a repeat of the Roman Empire’s mistakes. Many people in America understood that it was a decrease in the private property that led to the fall and they understood that America could be a place where private property could reign supreme.
Thomas Jefferson understood that one of the things that made America unique is that we did not have a handful of nobles owning all of the land. Jefferson believed much of the poverty of France and other countries was because of the lack of widespread private property ownership.

The Homesteaed act allowed people to get land for nearly nothing. When the Homestead landrush Act was passed, it allowed people to race for lands. in Oklahoma. You could be rich or poor but as long as you were able to win the property in a race it was yours.
The Homestead Act is credited with fueling America’s industrial revolution. The federal and state governments own many lands and resources that could benefit average people today. Even though the Homestead Act was eliminated by Jimmy Carter, the federal and state governments still own vast tracts of land and other resources that could still be settled and developed by people. Such settlement could create a huge demand for all kinds of products and services. Russia has recently revisited the homestead act that America pioneered and is developing it’s eastern region with this program.
The federal government owns about 640 million acres of land in the United States, about 28% of the total land area of 2.27 billion acres. The United States owns vast amounts of lands that many people believe cannot be homesteaded because they are in the desert but if scientists can transform those lands into farmland, an opportunity for many people to own farmland can be created.
China has developed ways in which to transform deserts into farmland in the Mongolian desert using blue Algae. They managed to spray the blue algae in the Mongolian desert and saw that the sand turned into soil and attracted moss, lichens and grass. Algae can withstand very hot temperatures as well as radiation and drought.

The Shifting sand in the Mongolian desert has gone from 60 percent to 10 percent and planting coverage went from 15 percent to to 80 percent. Scientists that developed the algae used in the desert believe that the same liquid can transform planets like Mars. Leu, a researcher of Hydrobiology who has studied algae for over 40 years has said “We might use our knowledge of desert algae to transform the environment and help construct a human base on the red planet.”
The land could then be given to homesteaders who could farm the land. The homestead act allowed 270 million acres to be claimed by homesteaders. The homestead act was said to to be a great stimulus to the economy as it created a need for steel barbed wire and other goods. The Oklahoma Land Rush created many towns that sprung up overnight.
What happens when countries run out of land and prices get too high for average people to live. Increasingly, countries have been creating their own islands or expanding their continents through land reclamation projects. Land reclamation is the process of creating new lands from riverbeds, lake beds or even oceans. China has undertaken huge land reclamation projects along with Quatar and Dubai. Since places like Hong Kong are densely populated it has become necessary to create land where there is only ocean.

Jeff Bezos described the space colonies like the kind that Eugene O’neil imagined that people would inhabit in outer space but the question remains. Who would own the land in outer space? Elon Musk imagined colonies on mars. These future space colonies could be based on the Homestead act in which people would be allowed to own their own land which could house future space colonies.

The government also owns mineral rights to oil shale, timber etc. If the government allowed people to compete in races for many of these rights, they could be independent of government and would not need handouts or welfare like the people of late Rome. The government also owns government buildings, dams, apartment buildings, businesses, homes and has numerous seized assets that could allow people ownership opportunities that could help get them out of dependance on government. People could get loans and develop business on the land or assets that they own. They can even lease to other businesses that want to utilize their land or assets.

If people were allowed to own land on other planets or on the moon, they could in turn lease out the land to various companies that wanted to do business there.

As people like Claus Shwab contemplate getting people out of private property, the government could allow people to get back into private property and get access to properties made possible by new technologies and legislation that would free up government lands and assets that are now forbidden and take advantage of amazing new opportunities.