Boy And His Cow lose Cow Competition But Win The Internet
Mitchell competed with his cow in a fair and took fifth place out of 7 but was so exhausted, he took a nap. After…
Mitchell competed with his cow in a fair and took fifth place out of 7 but was so exhausted, he took a nap. After…
Sixteen year old Braxton Moral managed to graduate from high school and college all at the same time. Watch his amazing story.
This enterprising BYU student has been launching rockets since he was a kid and is now sending rockets into outer space by carrying payloads…
Jeff Bezos reveals in steps how we can colonize space.
When Jeff Mata became blind he did not let his lack of sight prevent him from practicising Brazilian Ju Jitsu. He managed to have…
Go behind the scenes of an easter candy factory.
Watch this amazing speech from Steve Jobs that is sure to inspire you.
Dripps ice cream parlor is taking your favorite cereals and turning them into ice cream.
Here are some products that you can’t find anywhere else but in Japan.
These fast food chains are big in europe and may enter the american market.